Frequently Asked Questions

What is Safe Tracker?

Safe tracker is a tracking app for your family or close ones to keep them safe. It provides real time tracking of your family member and all the routes travelled within a required time frame.

How to install this to my Child’s/family member phone?

It is quite simple, after you download the parent (host) app to your phone you must do the following:

  • Enter the details of your child/member by clicking the “register” button
  • Next, click “register child now”
  • Once it is complete a QR code will provided through the parent app
  • Scan the QR code through the child/ server phone where the child app will be prompted to be installed into the child phone.
  • Allow all pop ups that may be prompted which would be access to location, turn off battery saver, call, audio, video etc. And you are good to go!
  • If you have any difficulty in turning on some permissions ‘click here…’

Can I add more than one child or phone?

Yes, you can follow the same steps as above

How do I track my child?

Click on ‘Live Tracking’ and select the person you want to track whom you previously registered to your system.

I want to see where my child went during a particular day, can I check that?

Definitely, you can go to Live Tracking and click on the person you want, enter specific date and click search, all routes travelled will be displayed including the battery percentage of the phone that is tracked.

What if my child deletes the app?

No, the server or the child app cannot be deleted, the only possible way to delete this app is through the parent app confirmation.

What if they turn off mobile data?

GPS location will be temporally stored and will be displayed as travelled routes the moment its connected to mobile data or Wi-Fi

Is this app free?

It is free the first two months, after that you will be required a monthly payment as small as $1.99 where you can pay monthly, 3-months, 6-months or annually.

Keep your Children Safe with Safe Tracker